Whilst termites are a pest, with the right advice and strategies; they can be effectively managed. Take note of our guidelines below and you will be taking positive steps to reduce your risk of infestation.

  • Weepholes should be clear and have 75mm clearance from the ground. This allows a visual inspection for termites, the more distance from the ground to the weepholes, the less chance of termite infestation.
  • Gardens are beautiful, but they are haven for termites! Please keep gardens away from the external walls of your home.
  • All timber to be stored or placed above the ground or on concreted areas.
  • If there are any dead trees around the yard, please have them inspected by a termite professional, they may have to be treated and removed.
  • Remove dead branches or any leftover vegetation, cut trees back that are close to the home.
  • Keep all subfloors clean, dry and well ventilated.
  • Fix all leaking water pipes, taps, showers and other leaks anywhere around the home; including gutters and down pipes.
  • Seal all cracks in your home’s foundations.
  • If you have any damp areas in the yard or excess water lying around, a plumber may be needed.
  • If you have a watering system installed, make sure it is not on the perimeter of your home close to the external walls or over the foundations of your home.
  • Also ensure that hot water and air conditioning overflow pipes are not dripping on the foundations of your home.
  • Most importantly, have your property inspected every 12 months by a termite professional.
  • These tips are helping to keep your home safer. If we work together on keeping the risk of termite infestation low, the chances of your home having termites are greatly reduced.